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May 17, 2018

Problem Solved: Steve Hosack of SC Hosack Plumbing Upgrades His Hair Stylist to Navien

I am not only a huge fan of Navien. I am Navien’s BIGGEST cheerleader. I have all of my builders now using Navien and convinced my main parts supplier (Milford Supply) to carry them as well. I install mostly NPE -240A tankless water heaters. These tankless water heaters have solved numerous issues for us. The one I'm happiest about is the ComfortFlow™ built-in recirculating system that works!

At a nearby hair salon where I get my haircut (Leigh Mason Salon), just west of St. Louis, MO, they had a tankless water heater from a different company. The stylists and customers were always overheard complaining that the rinse bowls were never a consistent temperature. They were either very hot or just cold. So, they had an external re-circulation pump installed.  Every time I got my haircut I heard them complaining about it. I told them over and over I had the solution, but they kept trying to doctor theirs up by adding a separate holding tank, etc.

Finally, a new young woman purchased the salon and was getting the same complaints. My stylist Brooke told her, "Steve Hosack has been saying for over a year that he knows how to fix it..." So, she called me.

We took the competitor tankless water heater out to the dumpster with the holding tank and pump, and put in the Navien NPE-240A. The results were dramatic and immediate. It was one of her first big decisions after taking over the salon. Now, we are the salon heroes and I'm her permanent plumber. Someone still thanks me about every other time I get my haircut for making the wash stations work.

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